Our workforce is at the heart of our business. We are supporting and developing our team through extensive and regular trainings adapted as required for each individual, including managers and employees. This training ensures that Mapa Group’s principles of integrity, innovation, professionalism and sustainability are carried out by the people working on the ground.
Our Group’s compliance with our policies and procedures is consistently audited and monitored to maintain a high level of compliance across our entire business operations.
Mapa Group is certified ISO 9001 Quality Management System standard, demonstrating its ability to consistently provide services that meet client and regulatory requirements with its continuous improvement mechanisms.
Mapa Group holds ISO 37001 Anti-bribery Management System demonstrating its commitment to countering bribery.
Mapa Group has a zero tolerance approach to corruption and bribery, as stated in our Anti-Corruption and Anti-Bribery Policy.
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Mapa Group complies with economic sanctions and export controls with respect to Anti-Money Laundering (AML) / Combating the Financing of Terrorism (CFT). Mapa Group conducts third party due diligence processes and sanction screenings through sanction screening software, according to our Global Economic Sanction Compliance Policy.
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Speak Up & Ethics Hotline
Mapa Group is strongly committed to complying with business ethics and human rights, labour rights, environmental laws, anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws applicable in all its activities across all jurisdictions where it operates. Mapa Group maintains a whistle-blowing system to facilitate the prompt, confidential or anonymous reporting of any suspected violations and to encourage speak up culture within our company.
Our employees, clients, subcontractors, suppliers, business partners and others with whom we are in any business relationship, who suspect any violation of laws and business ethics or need to raise concerns related to our company’s conduct related to human rights, labour rights, environment, or anti-corruption, may contact our Ethics Hotline.
Ethics Hotline can be reached by phone (by calling the phone numbers provided to all our site and office employees and business partners) or by sending an e-mail to complianceaudit@mapa.group.
Our employees and site workers may find at their workplace or site our Ethics Hotline notice translated into the local language of the country where they work.
These communication channels are available also for those who seek advice or clarification on Mapa Group's ethical values, principles and policies.
Any notification transmitted will be carefully examined. The anonymity and confidentiality will be maintained within the limits of the law.
Anyone making a report in good faith will be protected against unfavourable treatment and retaliation. Mapa Group reserves the right to take legal action against those who submit false, misleading and unfounded reporting in bad faith.
Mapa Group is determined to act as a socially responsible business in all its social relationships with its employees, suppliers, subcontractors, clients, business partners and the communities where it operates. Our employees are the centre of Mapa Group’s activities, and their health and wellbeing are our first priority.
We operate according to the best international standards and ensure the continuous development of our occupational health and safety systems and uphold labour rights of our employees. Our employees are trained in the occupational health and safety of others in the workplace. Mapa Group is certified ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System guiding to constantly improve employee health and safety, minimize workplace risks and create safer working conditions.
Before Mapa Group embarks on any project, we actively engage with local communities to ensure that any potential negative impacts on the community are mitigated. By consulting with local communities, Mapa Group strengthens its positive impact on local regions. Mapa Group significantly contributes to the development of economic and social dynamism in the region by creating job opportunities for local individuals and providing vocational training at site to enable them to acquire a profession, as well as by contracting business with local suppliers and subcontractors.
All our projects involve extensive site surveys, carried out by trained professionals, to assess the potential for accidents and to prevent injury. All our staff, subcontractors and suppliers are regularly inspected to ensure that they are aware of the Group’s policies related to ESG, especially occupational health and safety policies and that they follow best practices.
We believe in investing in our workforce through education and training and we are committed to operating as a responsible employer. Mapa Group is careful to always be in full compliance with local labour legislation and to promote fair treatment of our workforce, including having a zero tolerance approach to discrimination.
Mapa Group is committed to complying with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Labor Organization (ILO) Conventions, and upholding the highest standards on human rights for all of its employees, business partners and the communities where it works.
To promote social equality, Mapa Group provides scholarships to students in need to support their university studies.
With the awareness of data privacy and security are essential for protecting human rights, Mapa Group maintains ISO/IEC 27001 Information Security Management System at its headquarters.
Mapa Group is committed to conducting business in a sustainable and socially responsible manner, as stated in our Environmental and Social Policy.
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